Here's our collection of other sources of material about marine turtles. We'd like to add to this page, so if you can suggest additional resources, please send email to: (Peter Bennett)
The Marine Turtle Newsletter is a quarterly publication that includes articles, summaries, and lists of recently published work concerning marine turtles. Read about supporting the Marine Turtle Newsletter in How You Can Help.
This is a short list of books that would be an asset in the collection of anyone who loves marine turtles.
Fall of the Ancients: Hawaii's Green Sea Turtles In Crisis is a joint production of The Honu Project and Earthtrust. Read How You Can Help to see how you can support The Honu Project.
Sea Turtles: Ancient Nomads is a joint production of the National Audubon Society, the Turner Broadcasting System, and WETA, Washington, D.C.
TEDs: turtle excluder devices is a production of the Earth Island Institute's Sea Turtle Restoration Project, describing how TEDs can safeguard endangered sea turtles while helping the shrimp fishery. Read How You Can Help to see how you can support Earth Island's Sea Turtle restoration Project.
Turtle Diary is a splendid British drama that is an absolute must-see for lovers of marine turtles. It stars Glenda Jackson, Ben Kingsley, and Michael Gambon, and deals with their shared love for captive sea turtles. Script by Harold Pinter.
The United States government is an excellent source of information on marine sea turtles. For material on your favourite marine turtle, we have found the following agencies to be extremely generous with their time and expertise:
The NMFS in particular has been helpful. A valuable source of information for each species of marine turtles is the Recovery Plan for the species:
If you have the free Adobe Acrobat reader, you can get these recovery plans from the website of the US National Marine Fisheries Service Office of Protected Resources.
Alternatively, you can order these plans by writing to:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
5430 Grosvenor Lane
Suite 110
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
Another set of valuable resources available from the US National Marine Fisheries Service Office of Protected Resources are the proceedings from the annual Sea Turtle Symposia.
The Anatomy of Sea Turtles is a landmark work by Dr. Jeannette Wyneken of Florida Atlantic University. It is Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-470 of the US National Marine Fisheries Service, and you can download the PDF version by chapter or as an entire manual. This is a comprehensive work, beautifully illustrated by Dawn Witherington, and is a must for aanyone seriously interested in sea turtles.
The following information about the CTURTLE mailing list was taken from information kindly provided by Alan Bolten of the Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research.
To improve communication among individuals around the world who are interested in sea turtle biology and conservation, the Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research at the University of Florida has established CTURTLE -- an email conference and bulletin board. CTURTLE is a LISTSERV managed email list on BITNET, an academic and research computer network, which is connected to many other computer networks worldwide.
Instructions for subscribing to the CTURTLE mailing list can be found at the Archie Carr Center's web pages.
The following summary of the Sea Turtle Online Bibliography was kindly provided by Alan Bolten of the Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research.
The Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research (ACCSTR) at the University of Florida has developed the "Sea Turtle Online Bibliography." This bibliographic database can be accessed worldwide free of charge via a computer network called Internet. This on-line bibliography includes all aspects of sea turtle biology, conservation and management. Citations are from recognized bibliographic sources as well as "grey literature." Any changes to the on-line bibliography will be announced in the BITNET Listserv list CTURTLE ( and the Marine Turtle Newsletter. Unfortunately, at present, we cannot conduct searches for those investigators who cannot access the system.
The Sea Turtle Online Bibliography is one of the bibliographic databases in the LUIS system at the University of Florida. LUIS runs under the NOTIS software marketed by NOTIS Systems, Inc. (Evanston, Ill.) The software resides on an IBM ES/9000-740 owned and operated by the Northeast Regional Data Center (NERDC) in Gainesville, Florida. The Florida Center for Library Automation (FCLA) in Gainesville supports NOTIS for the State University System of Florida. Computer time for searching LUIS is paid for by FCLA. Any telecommunications fees incurred are the responsibility of the user.
Instructions for using the Sea Turtle Online Bibliography can be found on the web pages of the Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research.
Development of the Sea Turtle Bibliographic Database has been made possible by the generous support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Earl Possardt and Jack Woody), U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service (Charles Oravetz and Terry Henwood), and the Japanese Sea Turtle Association (Naoki Kamezaki). Marjorie Carr, C. Kenneth Dodd, Greg Forbes, John R. Hendrickson, David Owens, and Anders Rhodin (The Chelonian Research Foundation) have provided valuable reference collections for our use. Staff at the University of Florida Libraries and the Florida Center for Library Automation have provided inspiration, knowledge and technical assistance with the LUIS system. Graduate students of the ACCSTR have assisted with the compilation of the database; Peter Eliazar is currently curating the database.
Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research,
Bartram Hall, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL 32611 USA