Turtle Trax no longer provides summaries of the Marine Turtle Newsletter because the complete newsletter is now online at:
The Online Coordinator, Michael Coyne, has done a superb job in publishing the latest edition as web pages. He's also working on providing back issues in web format.
Additionally, you can obtain the latest edition in Acrobat PDF format. This is a terrific idea, since it lets you get your copy faster than ever before, and saves the MTN printing and shipping costs. The free Adobe Acrobat reader gives you powerful search capabilities, an added bonus!
Turtle Trax extends congratulations and accolades to the editors and online coordinator of the Marine Turtle Newsletter for the innovations. Well done!
The Marine Turtle Newsletter is published in English and Spanish and is distributed quarterly to more than 2000 readers in more than 100 nations. Whether or not you subscribe, we recommend that you consider donating, as described in How You Can Help.
You can subscribe to the Marine Turtle Newsletter by visiting:
Marine turtle Newsletter subscriptions