Revisions, May 25/96-May 17/97

This is the Turtle Trax revision history for our second year. Some of the original links have been removed because the pages referred to have changed or no longer exist. In particular, we do not put Turtle Happenings pages in an archive, so they expire the week after they were posted.

May 10, 1997

55 unwary souls ventured into the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) last week, but only three survived the journey. Of these, one had the courage to ask to be admitted to the Hall of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers. Actually, he asked for a badge but Howzit refused to give it to him since he had enough bandwidth to drive a bus through sideways.

May 3, 1997

48 happy campers settled down in front of the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) last week, but when the weenies were finally done only five were left. None of them asked for their Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watcher badge.

April 26, 1997

Of the 73 hopeful Bogonauts who sat down to watch the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) last week, only seven made it to the end. That's a higher drop-out rate than US Marine boot camp. Two graduated with enough moxie to request that their passage be logged on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers.

April 19, 1997

49 valiant websurfers attempted to become full-fledged Bogonauts last week, but only five stayed the course for the entire Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM). Not a single one was bold enough to claim a place on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers. We are trying to bear up under the disappointment.

April 12, 1997

68 budding Bogonauts started to watch the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) this week, but only five managed to stay for the entire show. Two of them felt compelled to confess to us and have therefore been added to the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers.

April 5, 1997

As regular visitors know, Turtle Trax is built with the most conservative of HTML elements. We don't do animation or frames, and until now we've made highly limited use of tables. We've always tried to make our pages useful to the widest range of browsers possible. This week we enter a new era: we've revised several of our essays to use tables for layout. Radical or what?

Four more Bogonauts conquered the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM). One of them owned up to it, too--no doubt feeling the influence of the comet.

March 29, 1997

Three Bogonauts watched the whole show from the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) last week. No one was bold enough to claim a place on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers, though. Perhaps we shouldn't be too harsh on them. After all, sticking with the BogusCam(TM) all the way is a mark of great courage, commendable persistence, and a complete disregard for good taste.

March 22, 1997

Okay, okay, so we're not back up to speed yet. There are a few neat things in the works, but we're still unwinding from the build-up and release of the Sea Turtle Symposium.

The rage for the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) fizzled last week. We knew the collective conscience out there would soon start bothering the bandwidth wastrels. Only two Bogonauts went the distance, but one of them claimed a place on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers.

March 15, 1997

We're back--but just barely. We had an interesting and educational visit to Richie Moretti's Turtle Hospital in Marathon, Florida, last week. Once we've recovered and we get our photos processed, we'll post a report. Meanwhile, we're sticking to the bare minimum for at least another week.

The Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) has become a bit trendy, we fear. Shameless disregard for bandwidth conservation resulted in another seven brave Bogonauts who watched the entire show. Only one of them was bold (or brazen) enough to admit to it, though. He's been added to the ever-growing list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers.

March 8, 1997

The 17th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium is over, but we're still on the road so updates are a bit sparse this week.

We called last week a banner week for the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM), but this week was nothing short of astounding! A mind-numbing ten Bogonauts were busy blowing away bandwidth, and five of them admitted to it, thereby joining the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers. We hope the ones in the back could see. By the way, until we get home and check, we can't be sure we've got the complete list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers for the week, so if your name doesn't show, don't worry, we'll get to you.

March 1, 1997

Due to the time required to prepare for and attend the fast-approaching 17th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium, we are scaling back updates to Turtle Trax for the next month or so. (Actually, regular visitors probably noticed that we've been slowing down for a while now.) We'll continue to post news in Turtle Happenings, and of course we'll try to make sure that the Turtle Trax Toon is posted weekly, but other changes will have to wait.

A banner week for the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM)! We had four Bogonauts go all the way, but an unprecedented three of them claimed their rightful places on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers. We are overwhelmed. Really!

February 22, 1997

Due to the time required to prepare for and attend the fast-approaching 17th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium, we are scaling back updates to Turtle Trax for the next month or so. (Actually, regular visitors probably noticed that we've been slowing down for a while now.) We'll continue to post news in Turtle Happenings, and of course we'll try to make sure that the Turtle Trax Toon is posted weekly, but other changes will have to wait.

We had another Bogonaut enjoy the complete show watching the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) last week. Like so many modest viewers, this one did not apply to join the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers. Also, for the second week in a row we had someone give up at the very last moment. The pain this causes us is immense; we wish you wouldn't do that.

February 18, 1997

February 15, 1997

Due to the time required to prepare for and attend the fast-approaching 17th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium, we are scaling back updates to Turtle Trax for the next month or so. (Actually, regular visitors probably noticed that we've been slowing down for a while now.) We'll continue to post news in Turtle Happenings, and of course we'll try to make sure that the Turtle Trax Toon is posted weekly, but other changes will have to wait.

One victorious viewer saw the entire Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) last week. Our successful Bogonaut did not claim a place on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers, a disappointment. One other poor adventurer came excruciatingly close, driving home yet again the point that if you really mean to frivol away bandwidth, you must remain committed!

February 8, 1997

Important Note

Although our old service provider has still not fully recovered from its disaster, we've finally got forwarding pages in place. We can't say how long this will last, but for now, references to Turtle Trax using the base URL:

point you to our new (and permanent) URL, and some browsers will even transport you to the correct page automagically. Remember that the correct URL is:

so please update your references accordingly. All other aspects of our move have been completed, and we are delighted with our new home and service provider:

Although Turtle Trax experienced its highest traffic ever over the past week, not a single person watched the entire Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM)! This is a major disappointment. Has the art of bandwidth waste been lost? The very thought has us quaking in our boots. We fervently hope someone will restore our faith in frivolity before the week is out. Our hope is in your hands.

February 1, 1997

Important Note

Because our old service provider crashed and is still not repaired over a week later, references to Turtle Trax using the base URL:

no longer work. Since you're here, you are probably using our own domain:

although it is possible (but not likely) that our old provider has recovered and has forwarded you here. If that's the case, please switch to the new URL.

We remind you once more that things tend to get broken during moves, and Turtle Trax has a lot of things that can break. Please let us know if you find anything that seems busted. Thanks.

Despite the problems associated with the loss of our previous Internet provider, someone still managed to persevere and sit through the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) this week. This is a feat worthy of special recognition, but the viewer modestly did not submit an email address to be added to the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers.

January 25, 1997

Important Note

We have moved our pages to a new provider, but we are still awaiting changes at the InterNIC. Because our old service provider crashed and has been unavailable for the past three days, references to Turtle Trax using the base URL:

no longer work. Since you're here, you are probably using our own domain:

although it is possible that our old provider has recovered and has forwarded you here. If that's the case, please switch to the new URL.

We remind you once more that things tend to get broken during moves, and Turtle Trax has a lot of things that can break. Please let us know if you find anything that seems busted. Thanks.

Due to the crash of our old service provider, we're not sure how many people watched the complete Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) this week. We know that one modest soul finished it off, but declined the honour of being placed on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers.

January 18, 1997

Important Note

We have moved our pages to a new provider, but we are still awaiting changes at the InterNIC. For the moment, you can still request our pages at our old provider, but the requests will usually switch you to the new site. All of this should be transparent to you, but remember, our old provider is shutting down. This means that references to Turtle Trax using the base URL:

will probably start failing sometime in the near future. Please update your links or bookmarks to use our own domain:

We remind you once more that things tend to get broken during moves, and Turtle Trax has a lot of things that can break. Please let us know if you find anything that seems busted. Thanks.

Three valiant Bogonauts this week, down one from last week, but for the first time ever, all successful Bogonauts notified us of their achievement. For that, each one is immortalized on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers. Let that stand as a lesson for the rest of you.

January 11, 1997

Important Note

We have moved our pages to a new provider, but we are still awaiting changes at the InterNIC. For the moment, you can still request our pages at our old provider, but the requests will usually switch you to the new site. All of this should be transparent to you, but remember, our old provider is shutting down. This means that references to Turtle Trax using the base URL:

will probably start failing sometime shortly after January 15. Please update your links or bookmarks to use our own domain:

We remind you once more that things tend to get broken during moves, and Turtle Trax has a lot of things that can break. Please let us know if you find anything that seems busted. Thanks.

Due to the move and other pressures, this week's updates are sparse. Unfortunately, there are no new positions for Adelita this week. We hope to have two weeks of data next week.

No less than four Bogonauts watched the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) until transmission failure this week. Perhaps it was the holiday post partum depression at work. None of the valiant viewers claimed a place on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers, though.

January 4, 1997

Important Note

Although we are still in the middle of moving, things have changed somewhat. The provider that has been the host for our pages is shutting down. This means that references to Turtle Trax using the base URL:

will probably sometime shortly after January 15. Please update your links or bookmarks to use our own domain:

We remind you once more that things tend to get broken during moves, and Turtle Trax has a lot of things that can break. Please let us know if you find anything that seems busted. Thanks.

The latest conqueror of the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) was impressed by the movie, but felt that the star of the show could use dancing lessons. We are therefore inviting applications for the post. Please be sure to study our star's technique before submitting your resume.

Of course, by sending a comment to us, this tenacious Bogonaut has secured a place on the List of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers, whether he wanted one or not. You really should be careful about these things.

December 28, 1996

No, the move is not finished yet. Don't ask. Things tend to get broken during moves, and Turtle Trax has a lot of things that can break. Please let us know if you find anything that seems busted. Thanks.

Yeah, we know, things are slow. It's the holidays. Who can work with all that food aboard? Hey, it's a toss-up as to who's more stuffed, us or the holiday turkey!

Two brave Bogonauts reached closure with the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) this week. One of them claimed a place on the List of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers, the other didn't. We'd award the extremely rare Tickle-Me Howzit doll, but...

Some of you doubted that we even had such a thing as a Tickle-Me Howzit doll, so we were planning to show it to you this week. Unfortunately, the very sight of the box caused a stampede, and Tickle-Me Howzit got trampled beyond recognition. You can see an accurate rendition of its current condition atop this cake.

December 21, 1996

The notorious Turtle Trax move to drags on. The files are in place, but the InterNIC needs to update its database. Maybe next week? Anyway, things tend to get broken during moves, and Turtle Trax has a lot of things that can break. Please let us know if you find anything that seems busted. Thanks.

Many valiant attempts, but only a single Bogonaut watched the complete Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) this week. The invitation to join the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers was declined. This person will therefore not be receiving the extremely rare Tickle-Me Howzit doll. (Well, we wouldn't have given it up anyway, but we might have parted with a picture of it. Maybe.)

December 14, 1996

Would you believe...

We still haven't finished moving Turtle Trax to This time, we refuse to speculate how long this will drag on. Things tend to get broken during moves, and Turtle Trax has a lot of things that can break. Please let us know if you find anything that seems busted. Thanks.

Another Bogonaut made it through the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) this week, but declined the honour of being placed on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers. We are beginning to think that a deep sense of modesty is a requirement for sitting all the way through... or maybe compulsive shyness.

December 7, 1996

We still haven't finished moving Turtle Trax to We hope to get it done over the next week, but we wouldn't be shocked if fate continues to conspire against us. Things tend to get broken during moves, and Turtle Trax has a lot of things that can break. Please let us know if you find anything that seems busted. Thanks.

Two completions of the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) this week, but both Bogonauts were shy, so the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers remains unchanged. The bashful BogusCam(TM) watcher might keep an eye out for Assertiveness: My Favourite Virtue, by Howzit, available as soon as he finds a publisher who doesn't mind the occasional beak mark.

November 30, 1996

Turtle Trax is still in the middle of a move to We expect the dust to settle in another week or so. Things tend to get broken during moves, and Turtle Trax has a lot of things that can break. Please let us know if you find anything that seems busted. Thanks.

Only one viewer persisted with the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) till the bitter end this week, but this one was special: our One and Only All Time Champion Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watcher, who has now sat through three times! (At least, that's how many he's admitted to..)

November 23, 1996

Turtle Trax is in the middle of a move to We expect the dust to settle in one or two weeks. Things tend to get broken during moves, and Turtle Trax has a lot of things that can break. Please let me know if you find anything that seems busted. Thanks.

Three more plucky people had the determination to stick with the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) this week. All of them were models of modesty, so the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers remains unchanged.

November 16, 1996

A remarkable week for the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM)! Three viewers sat through the entire show, but the exciting part is that two of them admitted it. They have therefore been honoured by being placed on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers. You are probably asking yourself where this list can be found... stay tuned to the BogusCam(TM) and find out!

November 9, 1996

No one managed to see the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) in its entirety last week, although a couple of attempts came agonizingly close. Toughen up out there, people, it's frustrating to see someone quit at the brink of success.

November 2, 1996

Yet another bold soul has watched the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) until signal loss. We say "bold" because, unlike most, this person courageously stepped forward and claimed a place on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers.

October 26, 1996

We had a record-setting viewing of the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) this week. A viewer (who preferred to remain anonymous) whipped through the whole sitting in under three minutes! Obviously this was a person who had a lot of bandwidth available and wanted to waste it as fast as possible.

October 19, 1996

Serious hardware troubles afflicted our web server this week, making Turtle Trax unavailable part of the time and extremely slow for a good portion of the rest of the time. We apologize to our visitors and hope that you can return when conditions have improved. Our ISP is hard at work on the problem and hopes to have things back to normal shortly. Thanks for your patience.

The Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) was operating under a severe handicap this week (see above), so we are not aware of any viewers who managed to watch the entire show.

October 12, 1996

The Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) claimed two more victims this week. One was identified and added to the list of Distinguished BogusCam Watchers. The other escaped with only minor brain damage.

October 5, 1996

One lonely personage trekked all the way through the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) this week. People just don't treat bandwidth with frivolous disregard the way they used to.

Speaking of bandwidth frivolity, our tribute to Gamera has been drawing a lot of action lately. The picture on this page has been our most popular JPEG for a couple of weeks now.

September 28, 1996

A valiant but failed attempt to last through the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) came painfully close to completion. Perseverance is the watchword here, folks, as exemplified by the very next viewer, who stuck with it to the rewarding finish. Like many that have gone before, this person did not ask to be placed on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) watchers. Probably forgot in the excitement, we figure.

September 21, 1996

Two plucky personages worked their way through the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) this week. In order to protect the guilty, neither of them submitted an application for the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) watchers.

September 14, 1996

Not a single adventurous soul watched the entire Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) this week. Not a single meek, mild soul did either. We did, however, have a couple of ambivalent souls who regretfully gave up too soon. Persistence is the watchword of those who share the honour of being listed as Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers, folks. Remember that.

September 7, 1996

For the second week running, two visitors went all the way with the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM). This is, as you can imagine, a highly unnatural act, which probably explains why they declined the opportunity to be placed on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers.

August 31, 1996

Two visitors sat through the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) this week. One was a modest personage who apparently wishes to remain anonymous. The other was someone using the same account as a person who has already claimed a place on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers. We're not sure how to handle this, since the list is compiled by account name. Suggestions welcome.

August 24, 1996

Three adventurous souls watched the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) to its grand finale this week. All chose to claim their places on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers. One turned out to be a conscientious and caring viewer who is launching a study into the effects of bogon transmissions on marine life.

August 17, 1996

From the heights to the pits--a poor week for the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM). Not a single viewer could stick with it. Perhaps this week will bring us some hardier adventurers.

August 10, 1996

A banner week for the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM)! An anonymous watcher declined the honour of being added to the list of Distinguished BogusCam Watchers, but an undetermined number claimed the dictinction. The entire tropical biology class at Texas Wesleyan University (Ft. Worth) stuck with it till the bitter end. We congratulate them for their tenacity and capacity for tedium. Oh yeah, the Netcarta robot went through yet again. That sucker must really love the BogusCam, it's done it at least a dozen times.

August 3, 1996

Not one, but two--count 'em, two--visitors sat through the entire Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) show last week. An amazing display of tenacity and willingness to waste bandwidth, to be sure, but oddly, no one claimed a place on the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers.

July 27, 1996

How is the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) doing? We thought you'd never ask. Yup, someone made it all the way through last week--or some thing. We think it was a search robot, but you never know.

July 20, 1996

No one could get through the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) last week, although several valiant viewers gave it a shot. Clearly the summer weather lowers the desire to waste bandwidth.

July 13, 1996

Two adventurous viewers went all the way with the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) last week--but both of them were robots.

The best guess we've had so far for our mystery cake topping, or at least the one we find most agreeable, came from a Florida visitor who wrote, "ROAD KILL that once was a wonderful creature called Armadillo." Yup, it does resemble that all right.

July 6, 1996

This was an odd week for the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM). Although no one claimed a place on the list of Distinguished Boguscam Watchers, we had four watchers go "all the way." One of them started in the middle and went to both ends!?

June 29, 1996

For two weeks running, we've had people stick with the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) for about two-thirds of the ordeal. This week there were two of them. A coincidence? We think not, not in a month with two full moons.

June 22, 1996

Someone managed to stick with the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) for about two-thirds of the ordeal last week. That was the best effort by far, though. It's hard to find people with a strong stomach these days.

June 15, 1996

No one lasted all the way through the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) this week. There were several valiant parties who set out along the path, but the BogusCam(TM) overwhelmed them all. Maybe next week.

June 8, 1996

Stamina and a sense of adventure, that's what it takes to stick with the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM). This week, not only did one brave soul last the distance, he proudly proclaimed his achievement! He's been permanently enshrined in the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers.

June 1, 1996

Today marks the beginning of our summer slowdown. Right now we are trying to get a full summer's cartoons prepared. Other preparations for our summer are underway, including the purchase of a hi-8 video system.

We plan to post the cartoons weekly instead of in a batch as we had to do last year. The only other changes we'll make to Turtle Trax over the summer will be a weekly update to the Turtle Happenings page. We know many people are interested in the Honokowai turtles and their fate, so we'll post weekly comments. The new equipment should give us better quality for our underwater video images.

Yet another hardy soul trekked all the way to the end of the Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM) this week, but modestly declined the honour of being permanently enshrined in the list of Distinguished BogusCam(TM) Watchers.

So far, no answers worth posting in our quest to solve the mystery of the cake decoration. The collective imagination of the web is probably suffering from spring fever.

Turtle Trax Turns One Year Old!

On May 21, 1996, Turtle Trax was on the Web exactly one year. We'd like to thank all the visitors who have spent time here since we put our first pages up. A special mahalo nui loa to those who have sent us comments and corrections.

Turtle Trax has given us enormous pleasure and satisfaction over the past twelve months. According to the email we've received, the pages have been useful to researchers of all types, from scientists conducting fibropapilloma research to elementary school students doing research for homework. This was the kind of range we hoped for but weren't sure we could achieve. Learning that we've met that goal has been enormously satisfying for us.

We've also been happy to discover that other people think kindly of Turtle Trax. The consequences of some of those are listed on our front page, but the one we value most highly is not an award or a review. It is the decision by the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education to include the entire Turtle Trax site on a CD they are preparing for free distribution to schools across the United States. Learning about that was a thrill that will be hard to top.

Mahalo for coming, and come back often.

May 25, 1996

A poor start to our second year for The Awesomely Way Cool BogusCam(TM)--no one watched it to completion. The belated arrival of fine spring-like weather probably kept people outside.

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Last modified 99/06/19
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